Sunday, January 03, 2010

Nutella Muffins!

Fats and I decided to use my last day of holiday to bake. HAHA. Actually I was the one who suggested it. HEH. So we were browsing through recipes last night and can't decide what we wanna bake. I wanted chocolate souffle, fats wanted cookies or whatever. In the end we decided on Nutella Muffins, cuz the photo looks lovely and it sounds easy enough. HAHAH. EASY is the key word here.

So we woke up and went to Giant to buy our ingredients and stuff. Thanks to the mixer which Da gu ma lent us, it made our lives a whole lot easier. Seriously. I was surprised at how fast everything was done. HAHAH.

Lazy to type so much. OKAY, PEEKTURES! HAHAH. So Happyslip's auntie style omg. MUAHAHA.

With nutella added in. I think we added in too much nutella already, making the muffin a little too sweet. Next time add lesser. HEH.

Baking in process!


Don't know how to make it look chio. It doesn't look very appealing in these photos. HAHA. But it tasted nice okayyyy. Hahaha.

SWEET SUCCESS! Although we didn't do much hard work. HAHAH.

It's fun to bake when you have nothing to do at home. Go try it someday! hahaha.

Last night, while I was watching I love you man (which is quite a lovely movie by the way), fats carried pepper into the room from bra's room. She was so cutee!! I meant pepper not fats OBVIOUSLY.

Anyways, so we put pepper on our bed and she just snuggled herself into some random spot on the bed. So I went out to the toilet to brush my teeth. And when I came back, I saw this.

WHATTT??? Sleeping on my pillow and snuggling under my blanket!!? And giving me THAT face!!

Fats must be the one who did it. She always says pepper sleeps like that when I'm not staying at home. YAO SI LOR!

But the scene is just bloody adorable that I really let her sleep like that. On my pillow, with my blanket. I squeezed in beside her. The way she breathes when she's sleeping sounds totally like a baby. SO CUTE!!!

In case you're wondering, she didn't sleep with me like that till the morning. She jumped off the bed halfway to go toilet. HAHA. When she came back, I was too sleepy to let her come back on the bed again. So she went back to bra's room and slept on her own bed. TEE HEE. SO COTUTE. HAHAH!

OKAY! School is starting in less than 24 hours! SUCKS TO THE MAXI CAB. BYE.

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