Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy New Year!! 2010~

Happy New Year to everyone!!! Can't believe another year just passed. When I told Bbs about it, she said she totally don't know what she have been doing for the whole of 2009. HAHA. KNS.

Anyways, for the celebration of NYE this year, I counted down at Via's house. And this time we DID count down! Not like xmas eve. HAHA. And we also had sparkling juice to drink! So festive. HAHA.

Bottoms up!

Heng this year I did not count down with my family like last year. If not I would be bored to death when the adults ended the party at around 1am plus. SO EARLY CMON. HAHAH. So thus I declare I shall not count down with my family EVERY YEAR. MUAHAHA.

Linnie baked biscuits for all of us. I brought some sushi. I thought they cannot finish the sushi sia. WHO KNOWS. It was gone in a flash! Damn omg. HAHAH.

Baker of the day~

She hui, xiang, buck and shawn left early. So the rest stayed on. Supper was po's pizza from cold storage and spicy drumlets from pizza hut. HAHAH.


Teng brought Stephanie along to play with us! HAHA.

Nothing much happened actually. Just simple chilling and lots of laughter. I bth that Linnie brought her PJs over. HAHAH. Silly billy.

Woke up next morning and headed to IMM swensens for breakfast. Teng has been whining about their breakfast since FOREVER *rusty*. So being the best friends EVER *rusty again*, we all accompanied her to eat it. HEH.


Love the chat about nonsensical past and upcoming plans. HAHA. We're like an organization or something, always got upcoming plans one. HAHAH. Although sometimes it falls through due to time constraints or limited budget. HEH.

Walked around IMM for a little while and went home soon after. =)

PS: Like everyone, I can't wait to put the upcoming plans into action! EXCITED MUCH?? WAHAHA.

PPS: Sucks that school is reopening so soon! =(((

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