Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Xmas 2009!

This christmas, I spent almost the whole day SLEEPING at home. MUAHAHA. Best celebration EVER! *rusty* HEH. I think everyone slept their xmas away if I'm not wrong. hahaha.

On xmas EVE, I went out with the girls and the bfs for dinner. Usually, we meet up for dinner in more UN-CROWDED areas. But as it's sucha festive season, we decided to go where the crowds go to have more ambience and atmosphere - TOWN. DAMN OMG. When we reached there and saw the long queues at many restaurants, I kinda regretted coming to town for dinner. Nevertheless, we did not want to dampen the festive spirit and thus changed location although still within town. Luckily Secret Recipe at PS does not have such a long queue, so we settled our dinner there. Linnie was bloody pleased for a seat to rest her poor toes. HAHA. Was it your toes only? Or the whole feet? HEH.

Audrey joined us soon after. Waited for via, buck and shawn to join us after our dinner. Sat down and decided where to go. So off we went to Orchard Central. Xiang recommended the roof top garden or something. She said the night scene was kinda pretty. So up we went. Quite a lot of people there. See awhile sian already. So we all decided to chill at Via's place as her house was empty. WHEE~

Reached her place then some started to play poker cards, some sat down and daydream (confirm is me), some watched tv. After awhile, they decided to bring out the mahjong. HAHHA. So 4 people were occupied with MJ, some with TV and the rest talked cock in via's room. (Which won't belong to her once again in Jan 2010. MUAHAAH! UPDATE: Already don't belong to her liao. HAAHA!)

So we all chilled and stayed in our own world when suddenly someone pointed out, "Oh look. It's 12 already." We all turned to look at the clock and it shows like around 12:15? HAHAH. So Linnie and I looked at each other as we're sitting together. We stared for awhile and then said, "Oh, merry xmas." and put our hands around each other. ALL DONE IN A VERY LIFELESS MANNER. HAHAH!! We're so freaking anti-climax lah! Neh even countdown or anything. After that, we just continued to do our own things. WHAT A XMAS COUNTDOWN. MUAHAHA.

As dawn drew nearer, people started to leave for home while some stayed. I stayed too. So we slept in via's living room and woke up around 10am in the morning to satisfy our craving for Mac breakfast. I have no idea why we ALWAYS crave for Mac breakfast when we're together. MY SAUSAGE MCMUFFIN!! AHHH! HAAH.

Went home with a happy tummy. Bathed and plonked myself on the bed. I even on the air-con, something which I never do when I'm taking an afternoon nap. Took advantage of the fact that parents not around. TEE HEE.

So that was how I celebrated Xmas. Very simple but fun as usual. =)

Ex HQ leader. HAHA.

New HQ leader. 陈董。 HAHAHA!

I had another small and simple advanced xmas celebration on 23 dec 2009.

People who attended: Shuwen, Nicey, Me, Gary, Nik and Nicholas.

We had a xmas gift exchange where we already drew lots to see who's gonna be whose santa beforehand. My santa was Nicholas and I was Nik's santa. HAHA.

Hate buying presents for guys, never know what they want. But I hope Nik liked his gift. HAHA.

Nicholas was so nice to ask Shuwen what I liked before getting the gift. HAHAH. Thanks loads! It was lovely. =)

So we went Timbre for dinner. Shared pizzas and some meat. HAHA. Food wasn't so bad. Music was kinda okay. Shuwen went home after dinner. The rest proceeded to Changi Airport. Many entertainment along the way. Nicey and me laugh till stomach hurts. HAHAH. Reached home around 2 plus? Or was it 3? Can't remember. HEH.

Nicey so sweet baked cookies for all of us. LOVEEE. =)

I like this pizza. HEH.

Thanks for all these!

So long neh see her face alreadyyy!! HEE.


This is for you via!! Did chai send you this? HAHAH. SO COTUTE. Hope po is not jealous. MUAHAHHA!

PS: I added the age counter for pepper! TEE HEE. Thanks Linnie~ =)

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