Tuesday, February 09, 2010

CNY reunion dinner 2010!

For this year's reunion dinner, it was something different from the past few years. We had a change of location(although I like the previous location better. Let's go back there next year! haha.), we also added in a little something to spice up our boring annual dinners. We're always lamenting the fact that cny reunion dinners are soooo boring. Nothing happens and other than the food, there's nothing much to look forward to. WHICH KINDA SUCK.

So this year, my cousin implemented a theme for the dinner. Everyone has to wear something with "china wind" AKA 中国风. Sounds so cheena righttt. HAHAH. But it's fun leh. Surprisingly, most people adhered to the theme. I was still wondering if only a handful of cousins will wear it. But most adults actually went to specially buy clothes for this dinner. Even the little tykes! How cute. HAHAH.

The location is at Ah Yat restaurant. The outlet in The Village or something?? Sadly, there were no crabs served. BOOHOO. I always looked forward to eating crabs, especially chilli crabs with MAN TOUS whenever my family visisted the Ah Yat branch in Turf Club. Or is it Turf City? Aiya, the one in Kranji lah.

Anyways, the food was...a little disappointing. It was the first time everyone still felt hungry after the whole course was served! HAHA. Damn funny. So fried rice was ordered for everyone. We had 4 tables and for 4 big plates of fried rice, it adds up to around 96 bucks. Don't know what ah gua rice they use, so freaking expensive. SIAO ONE. Somemore everyone only got like one small bowl lor. NNP. Like cheat money and feelings.

I like The Noble House more seriously. Like buffet. SHIOK. Eat till puke. Got lotsa Man tous also!! BEST SHIT. HAHAH.


Such beautiful flowers right?? So long never seen such flowers in our corridor already. It's not easy to grow flowers along our corridor de lor. Hahaha. As you can see, Popo damn happy!

Bra spoiler. Neh wear "cheena" clothes. HAHA. No lah, cuz he was scheduled to book in that night also. So okily!

The ladies at my table.

二姑 and family.

三姑 and family.

二伯 and family.

小姑 and family. New addition : Son-in-law. HAHAH.

小叔 and family. Their youngest son is a camwhoring pro! Went around to have his own mini photoshoot. SHOW YOU EVIDENCE.





Still got more lah. I just post the more funny ones. Lazy to upload so many. My blog hor, not his. SHUTS UP.

大伯 and family. The largest family in our entire family. GEDDIT? HAAH. One of his son and daughter-in-law didn't attend the dinner. If not, will be bigger. HAHAH.

My family. They asked fats and me to bend over a little, if not it'll look a little awkward. Cuz I was wearing heels and momsie ain't. OOPSIE. HAHAH.

Popo's 6 lovely daughters.

Popo's 4 not lovely sons. HAHAH. Joking. Yes, popo got 10 kids in total. WHOO! Power. HAHAH.

Popo's daughter and grand daughter- in-laws. HAHA.

Popo's son-in-laws with their wives.

One more here. Popo's first grand son-in-law. WHEE~

Popo's great grandsons! So cuteee. HAHAH.

People in 'china wind' clothes. HEH.


Went home and this cute baby greeted us. Poor girl was muzzled all night. Heartbreaking. =(

I'm like...not wearing any bottom here. HAHAH. She RUVS to lie in between our legs and turn over and let us rub her tummy. HEE. SO COTUTE LEH LINNIE AND PO. WAHAHHA!

Everyone is saying how cotute she looks right now with all the fur growing out. FLUFFY AND CUDDLY JUST IN TIME FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!

She also ruvs to hide under fats' table and sleep or just lie there. Too bad she can't now, cuz I stuffed many things under the table. HAHAH. She just sleeps anyhow in the room now.


Fats just love to let her take over my bed. THAT AH GUA. BUTT ON MY PILLOW SOMEMORE!! NNP!!!!

Some random photos.

First up, my hello kitty egg mould egg! HAHAH.

The egg was supposed to look like this. A fully formed hello kitty face complete with ears and ribbon.

But little did I egg turned out like this.

HAHAH. SO UGLY. When I posted this on facebook, I cannot stop laughing at Xiao Yu's comment. She said, "OMG. Mutated." HAHHA! SO TRUE. It does look a little mutated. HAHA.

Since it's already so disfigured and stuff, I did what a normal person would do in this situation.

Mash them up and eat with bread! YUMMY PLEASE. 不中看, 但是中用。 也不错。 哈哈哈!

Another random! One that made me soooooo happy!!!!

This is 梁文音's second album. CHIO RIGHTT. HEH.

and this is the lyrics book to her album.

So you flip open the book, what do you see? Pictorial shots? Lyrics?

NOPE. Not really.

You get THIS.

WAHAHAHHAHA!!! With my name too!! WHEEE~~~~~I was sooo happy when I saw this. Unfortunately, unlike last time, no photos taken with her this time though. =( Oh wells. Autograph shall suffice. For now. HEH. TOTAL ♥ PLEASE!! HEEEE.

Okay, today is CNY eve. Tomorrow is 初一 already!! So happy new year everyone! May you HUAT when gambling! HAHAH. =))))

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