Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy 26th Sam~

We had a mini celebration for Sam last night at Jurong Lake Park. Waited for him till 12 midnight to arrive. HAHAH. I wonder how Sam felt, knowing that he hates surprises. But it wasn't much of a surprise anyways mah. So okay lahh. HAHA.

Present the birthday cake - chocolate mint flavour which Lin Sing was sooo excited about. HAHA.

*Flings open door with strength* Hi Sam! Looking real happy huh? HAHHA.

Sang the birthday song - Po and I tried to include Xiang inside the song, but to no avail. WAHAHA!

Gave the presents - Watch, a notebook filled with blessings AND an emergency condom. So cute one. hahah.

Took photos and mingled around a little before heading home. But was cheated by LS to go for supper. HAHAH. Like dumb.

I burst out laughing when I saw where JC's hand was. WAHAHAHHA!!! CAN.NOT.STOP. *hyperventilates*

Was very curious with the condom cuz it doesnt look like one at all. Thought it was a normal handphone strap. Which is true, but there's a real condom inside. Really for emergency uses one sia. hahah.

Reached home and KO-ed. NIGHTS ALL. =)

Once again, Happy birthday to you SAMMMMMM!! Quit saying you don't like surprises and be a party pooper. HAHA. Hope you'll get what you want in life soon, whatever that may be! And I'll see you for brunch! SOMEDAY. HAHAH. Have a nice day~

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