Sunday, March 07, 2010


Met Via at Suntec for Career Fair. Nothing much one leh actually. I no money to study already, quit bugging me you people from the various universities. HAHHA.

After leaving the fair...we went for Yami Yogurt. Via's craving. A first for me. That ah gua, ate so many times already still said it's her "dream" to eat Yami Yogurt. ate before already not counted as dream lor! DUMB. hahah. Anyways, I ordered with strawberry toppings one. HEH. Not too bad. But I don't think it's worth the price leh. Rather buy normal strawberry yogurt from NTUC.

Dinner-ed at Xin Wang Taiwan Cafe. Another first! Recently Via and I keep on having many 初体验s regarding FOOD. Such gluttons. HAHAH. I finally tried my 卤肉饭!! Quite nice eh. Must go taiwan one fine day to taste the authentic one. HEH.

Then nothing much already. HOME SWEET HOME SOON AFTER.

Not as good as I hoped. But still not too bad. *right thumb pointing to the left* HAHAH!

At Xin Wang Taiwan~~

The menu so cotute one! HAHA.

Already aiming for my 卤肉饭 already! WHEE~

Inside joke. HAHAH.

YAY!! Ordered Pearl Milk Tea which is actually quite good.

I vanna eat it againnnnn~

Via's chicken something? HAHAH.

Till next time peeps! Cheers to more 初体验s!! =)))

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