Thursday, March 04, 2010

Marion Crepes!!


Via kept making up stupid lyrics using moments of magic. LIKE DUMB. Fan si ren.

Anyways, yesterday was my last paper. LIKE FINALLY. How I've waited for this sacred day to comeeee.

Although the paper was not very smooth-going, but let's not dampen our mood like that. =)

I dated Via in advance since last week to try the crepes in IMM. So we met up in IMM after my paper.

There was a little mix-up in our orders at first. The guy must have resented us for making his life more miserable as it already is and decided to do something to our orders. HAHAH! More on that later.

So I had the Chicken with Mayo Crepe(I actually ordered chicken with chilli sauce, but the guy got it wrong), while Via had the Chocolate with custard and green tea ice cream crepe or something. Stupid annoyingly long name.

So with our long-awaited crepes in hand(okay, only I waited this long to have it. Via doesn't even care for it. HAHA.), we sat down on the bench infront of Laser Flair. They kept replaying a single short scene from 2012 and Feng yun. Not entertaining at all. Want show also show whole movie mah. So giam siap one. hahah.

Enough of nonsense. Show you the crepes!!!

Wrapped in pretty pink paper!!

My chicken with mayonaise. Not very clear here, but neh mind, not important. HAHA. It tasted unexpectedly good! =)

Via's chocolate blah blah blah with green tea ice cream. Quite nice also. Except for the little extra "ingredient" from the guy. HEH.

Okay lah, shall tell you guys about the extra "ingredient". It's a strand of hair stuck in the crepe. Quite a long strand also. HAHAH. Should belong to the guy ba. Cuz he was the only one making the crepes. The other girl at the counter just scoop ice cream for people only. HAHAH. Poor via. She was freaking grossed out by it. I had to help her tear out the part with the hair in it. EEW MUCH.

I was disappointed when I found out they didn't have the strawberry cheesecake flavour crepe or something. Although it stated it's from Harajuku, Tokyo also, but I think it's still different from Angels Heart Crepe. BOOHOO. Siewww, da bao for me when you come back from Tokyo lehh. PREASHH. I will lurbe chew much much much if you do that. HAHAH!

Okays then. Although it's no Angels Heart, it's still good enough to make me go back for more. I told via I wanna finish trying all the crepes. MUAHAHAH. Good plan. Shall force her go with me everytime I wanna eat. WHEE~

Shall end here now. Bye all. =)

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