Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Picnic with family!

As some of you know through my twitter, I went to Botanic Gardens for a picnic on Sunday. Super early in the morning wth. I have no idea what possessed them to have a picnic all of a sudden.

Momsie just came home one fine day and announced to us, "Everyone shall wake up at 6am this sunday. We're having a picnic. Nobody can say they don't want to go. Everyone MUST go. It's already set." I thought she was nuts and spouting nonsense, so I kinda ignored her. She repeated what she said earlier. I was like, "Go where? With who?" She told me with her side of the family at botanic gardens. I replied her with one word.


If I haven't been to botanic gardens for a picnic, I might have agreed quite enthusiastically cuz it sounded kinda interesting. But the problem here is...I have been to botanic gardens for a picnic before. And it was not an expericence I wanna go through again so soon. It wasn't exactly a nightmare, but it's not really something that I LOVE A LOT.

But momsie forced us all to agree to go lor. CHICKEN. No choice lah. Since everyone is going, we cannot be such party poopers and not go.

SO YEAH. Here comes Sundayyyyy. Woke up at around 615am. Feeling so grumpy. Tweeted about my grumpiness. hahaha. Momsie was already in the kitchen making egg mayo sandwiches. YES! EGG MAYO!! This might not turn out to be so bad afterall.

So we prepared ourselves and Pepper. Yeah, bringing that brat along with us. If not she'll bark and cry till she succumb to tireness. HAHAH.

Off we went to Botanic Gardenssssss!

We got lost trying to find the entrance to Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage. OMG. Kept going round and round, almost made me car sick. Pops was like a mule. So stubborn, don't wanna call my uncles for directions. Made us walk SUPER DUPER PI LI PA LA FAR from the visitors centre carpark to the symphony stage. WHAT THE HELL. It was like all upslope one lor! AND I WAS PUSHING POPO IN HER WHEELCHAIR!!!!

Okay, you might think, popo in a wheelchair very heavy meh. YES YOU IGNORANT PEOPLE. I have you know that popo is about 80+ kg!!! I suck at inclined pull ups. So you should know roughly how "STRONG" my arms are. I huffed and puffed while pushing popo until Pops finally took over from me.

When we reached the symphony stage, everyone else was already there waiting for us. They were still fresh and chirpy and all. Only our family looked like we just ran 10km or something. We were breathless and had flushed faces. HAHA.

Once everything was settled, some went for their morning walk/run/jog and some slacked. I did what I normally do, sat on the mat, played my cousin's iphone and ate my breakfast. Lots of food with a huge variety!

This is the menu:

-Tuna & Egg Mayo Sandwiches
-Sweet potatoes (MY FAVOURITE. OMG TASTE SO GOOD!!!)
-Pumpkin cake
-Coffee Cake
-Siew Mai
-Big baos
-Peanut pancakes
-Polar puffs and cakes sugar rolls (I WAS SO HAPPY WHILE I ATE ONE.)
-Polar puffs and cakes curry puffs (Sadly, I didn't get to eat any. FEEL LIKE EATING ONE NOW.)
-Bak Kwa (FUNNY RIGHT? BAK KWA AT A PICNIC. We all burst out laughin when our uncle took it out. HAHAH!)
-Fruits (Strawberries, Mangoes, Grapes etc.)
-Drinks (Marigold Peel Fresh, Fresh Milk, Green Tea, Chrysanthemum Tea, SUPER AWESOME GRASS JELLY DRINK FROM JAPAN, Plain Water etc.

These are all that I remember. Forgot if there were anymore. But boy, was it a spread! Lovely breakfast seriously.

So when everyone was back from their morning exercises, they starting eating. Cousins started to play chess, poker cards, slack, iphones and what nots.

Nothing much to do actually. If it wasn't for the good food, I don't think I'll actually enjoy myself. HAHA.

Stupid weather started to get hot around 10plus am. We shifted our mats to a shadier spot. I fell asleep despite the humidity. WAHAHHA. My cousins were all amazed by my ability to adapt so bloody well. I AM FREAKING PROUD OF MYSELF. Contary to what everyone says, I strongly believe this is a GIFT okay. You think everyone is able to do that meh? CHEH!

Anyways, when I woke up, Fats and I took Popo to the toilet and when we came back, everything was packed up and we were ready to go home!!!!

FINALLY. The weather was killing all of us slowly.

On our way home, bra turned into another exit and didn't follow my uncles. Pops screamed at him as to why he didn't follow my uncles. Bra explained he always use this route when he drives to Botanic Gardens. Pops replied saying it was the long route and my uncles are going the shorter one and he should have just followed them. Bra was a lil guilty, but we can't turn back now can we? So we continued on our way home using that route.

When we reached home, pops called our uncles to confirm about the plans later. Yes, they still have plans lor! I already tired like shit, they still have energy go out play! OMG. Adults nowadays. *shakes head*

Anyways, I heard Pops exclaimed, "Really meh!? Wah. Heng man!" I was thinking like what happened? Someone strike 4D? I was drying Pepper at that time so I didn't pay attention to their conversation. When Pops hung up, he told us, "Heng korkor took that route today ah. The rest still in traffic jam. All haven't reach home. So we're lucky today." I was like thinking, Yeah see? You have to trust us once in awhile, adults ain't always right! SO THERE.

So yeah. After bathing pepper and myself, I straight away K.O on the bed. DAMN SLEEPY.

Post some photos lah. If not this post super wordy.

Morning sun wasn't too warm. Just right.

Walking to the symphony stage. FREAKING FAR.

Lijun and Zhen.

Bra taking food after his morning walk.

Greedy shit.

I looked like I'm scratching myself. In actual fact, I'm shaking the iphone to try to complete this stupid stage. HAHAH.

Pepper back from her walk! COTUTE!!! =)))

Entertaining themselves with chinese chess.

Entertaining myself with Iphone's Imbecile Test. YAY IM NOT AN IMBECILE!! *irritating smirk at Ms Lee* WAHAHAH!

How could a picnic be without my trusty hello kitty fan?


Snowy. Lijun's maltese. =)


Sun started to get a little too strong.

Called popo to turn around for a photo.

Popo with fats.

Snowy always use her butt to nudge pepper away whenever she wanna lie down. HAHAH. Funny sight.


Popo with her greenery.

Another one.

With us!

With the ladiessss.

This is how pepper looked like after we brought her for a second round of walking/runing. HHAHA. TIRED OUT.

Sleepy baby.

Forgot what they were doing.


All packed and ready to go.

I don't mind having another picnic with the family soon. As long as there's good food! WAHAHAH!


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