Monday, April 26, 2010

Stayover at ASN'S! ♥

As my parents were out of the country from Friday to Sunday, I went over ASN's place for a stayover from Sat to Sun. HEH.

We were supposed to bake 2 different things. But cuz I reached her place kinda late, we only baked one. Still, it's okay. 开心就好! HAHAH.

I had my lunch at 4+ pm at her house. Many thanks to her Mama for buying.

Had dinner at around 8+ pm. PIG FEAST. HAHA. Pig's trotters is nice. So is the soup! And the xiao bai cai. I LIKE. But so paiseh eating with her family. SERIOUSLY.

Went home and continued finishing our cookies. We made 3 hello kitty shaped cookies with my cutter. But only one turned out nicely. HEE.

ASN's sister ASM designed it. Then they very nice gimme the chio-est one, while they took the other 2 disfigured kitty. Poor ASN's kitty even crumbled! OOPSIE. HAHAHA!

Anyways, after finishing designing the cookies, ASN and I slept at 3+ am. ASM was kinda irritated with our noise. SORRY! HAHAH.

Before that, I bathed and used ASN's body scrub and hair mask. Smells so gooddd! After showering, I used her foot spa. SHIOK. HAHAH. Although the hot water is SEE BEH hot after awhile. HAHA. But still shiok. =) Many thanks to ASN for letting me use her stuffs. 我很 ♥ 你 okay? HEE.

Woke up around 1plus. Stupid ASN use her pillow to tickle me awake. HAHHA. SLUT.

Went down for lunch and watched some tv. Proceeded upstairs where ASN terrorized my face. DAMMIT.

Went down for dinner with her family with THAT FACE ON. PAISEH TO THE MAXI CAB. Slut don't lemme take if off and still lied to me saying it can only be removed using make up remover. PUI ON YOU.

Their family eat dinner damn fast. Don't know rushing for what. Think they wanna watch star awards or something. HAHAH! Dinner was cooked by her mama. Love the eggs and the vegetables! Very niceee. HEEE. I was the last one to leave the table. AS USUAL. Happens everywhere I eat. WHYYYY!! TELL ME WHYYY!!!

Slacked somemore and played with her BB. (OMG WHEN AM I GONNA GET MINE. CHICKEN PIE.)

Then Pops came to fetch me. And ASN sent me off in her PJs. WAHAHAH! So cute.

Now I'm back home alreadyyy. Missing her and her nonsense. And her very nice family. HAHA.


PS: Nicey and Siew please join next time! HAHAH.

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