Friday, May 21, 2010

Graduation Ceremony of Class 2010!

Finally graduated after 3 long years of slogging my life away in NYP! HAHAH. Okay, not exactly slogging, but there are times when you just felt as if your life was in serious danger if you don't finish this project in time! Heng no more moments like this anymore! I hope. HEH.

Anyways, had my graduation ceremony on Wednesday, 19 May 2010. It's the final time we go to NYP with a purpose. Hahaha. Saw many many friends there! Everyone just grab and take photos. I actually kinda enjoy it. Only don't like the rushing after our ceremony ends. Rush to buy photos, rush to take diploma cert, rush to retun gown, rush to reception to eat cuz it closes at 8pm! URGH. Sucks that our ceremony ended close to 7pm. Where got people in school already! Chicken pie. ASN's timing was the best. 2plus end. Still so many people in school to take photos. BOOHOO. Many people left soon after with their family for dinner right after the ceremony. Siannn.

Heng noobsters stayed back a little later and went to town to eat. We finished dinner at around 10plus lah! HAHA. Hello? Supper already. Went to Hard Rock Cafe. Food portion was super big. I didn't really liked what I ordered. Shall stick to salads next time. Hahaha. Finished dinner and went to the outside of Zouk for a little while before heading home!

Nothing much to say alr lah. Show you photos! That's the highlights anyways. HEH.

A photo with Sar! His ceremony was before mine. 1pm is the perfect timing in my opinion. Heh.

Kaixiang graduated a few hours before we officially did. HAHAH!

Salleh!!! =)))

Jinhui! The pretty boy. Hahaha.

The pretty bouquet of pink flowers is given by ASN's parents! Super sweet lah! Why like thatt! Thanks so much Auntie and Uncle! =) It proved to be super useful because Siew and Ting kept using it in their photos too! HEEE.

Nicey and I in our graduation gown already! Waiting to go into the auditorium. Stupid Audrey Wai forever being so extra! HAHAH.

With Emily, Audrey, Welfred and Vanessa! =)

The girls from my lovely EI0708!

I didn't know Nik took this! Thank you very much! At least I know the 20 bucks spent on the photos ain't gonna be showing me with closed eyes. HAHAH!

After the graduation ceremony, I met up with my parents!!


With my diploma COVER only. Cert not inside. Still have to rush to Blk S to collect. NEH NEH POK. Heng I cut queue. HAHAH!

Claire Tan came too! Alvin's family came 5 people! Parents, Grandparents and Gf. HAHAH.

With the noobs. Part of them anyways. Stupiak nicey don't know doing what. Spoiler. HAHAH!

With baby Jaylen! OMG. SUPER CUTE! Neh cry one!! *pinches cheeks*

Kesha!! So long didn't see her already. See liao just grab and take photos! HAHAH. =)

Jing Yi!! My FYPJ mate! CTS FTW! Or not. HAHAHA!

Haameshswaran Selvam! Hope I spelled it correct. Aiya, wrong also heck care. He won't get to see this anyways. My attachment partner-in-crime for 3 months! Thank god he was there. Made life MUCH easier. HEH! =))

With Chao Ah Lian! Lin Lilian! Triple L. WAHAHAH.

Nicey and Lian. =))

Pratama!! "I like you, but I like pork more." HAHAHA! Super classic line.

Nicey and Nik! Wah, people get Diploma with Merit one leh. So wear till so handsome. Don't anyhow play. HAHAH.

I think my gown like super big. HAHAH!

Wai Xin Ning!! Stupiak girl. Hahaha.

Gary Leong See Heng! How come he seemed so small sized beside meee!? Wah liao.

Goh Wei XIONG(Siong). MUAHAH. Ruv to spell his name wrong on purpose.

Nicey and WS.

Siew and WS.

AIYER! Why I hook his arm! Yucks. Guess I wasn't really thinking. HAHAH! Stupid CCH. Irritate me to no end!

My lovely classmates! =))

Andy Cheng! Always bullying people one! Pui.

Dylan Chai. Can see your feet tip-toeing! HAHHA!

Yiting! =)

With most of the people from EI0708!

We proceeded to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner.

Don't know where Lynden disappeard to with Dear. HAHAH.

Hard Rock Cafe's dinner. Didn't really enjoy it lor. =(

And THAT concludes the end of my life in NYP. I'm gonna miss every single person whom I've crossed paths with. Thank you for being part of my life during those 3 years. I appreciate you all very much even though I may not know you very well. HAHAH.

Okay, weather SUPER hot now. Makes me wanna melt. Bye people! =))

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