Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy mother's day to all mummys out there! Especially to my own momsie and popo! HEH.

We had a celebration with my maternal family last night. As usual, lots of food, alchohol, gambling, karaoke, laptop playing, slacking and nonsense chatting. =)

Last night was a little different because usually the cousins will only mind their own business and it gets pretty bored after sometime. This time, we decided to play Roulette. It looks like this.

As you can see, we used real food as stakes. Okay, don't go thinking we're like a bunch of wimps. Who doesn't eat right? What's so risky about FOOD???

Apparently, our food are not the ones you usually eat. As in, some of them are pretty normal, like watermelon, chicken wings, xiao bai cai and grapes. Sounds fine right? But we have the more unusual ones like, garlic with satay sauce, raw onions, raw green and red chilli, lime and some nonsense concoctions. It's really disgusting to eat garlic on it's own you know!! WAH LIAO.

We played Zong Ji Mi Ma. Whoever got the correct number, they'll have to roll the ball on the spinning roulette and see which number it lands on. Then you have to eat the 'food' inside the numbered cup and then choose another 'food' to top-up for the next innocent victim.

I was always very nice to top-up lovely food when I kanna lor. Like kitkat and sweets. But when I kanna, all the very nonsense food I have to eat!! OMG. Sucks.

But it was pretty fun to see everyone like that. HAHAHA. Laugh like hell. Let's do this again for the next gathering! =)

Reached home around 2plus. Bathed and everything. Slept around 3plus.

Woke up at 9plus am today for breakfast with Popo at IMM. Didn't eat much. Share Jap bento with Fats. Heh.

小舅 and 小舅妈 joined us for breakfast too. So after breakfast, parents were chatting with them while popo, fats, lijun and I took Popo for some shopping in Giant.

Brought Popo to Giant as she wanna get some stuff. Super a lot of people at the cash registers. Queue for like quite long.

Then off to OSIM to get the Mother's Day/Father's Day/Parents' birthday/Parents' anniversary gift.

Introducing the OSIM uMama Warm.

It didn't come cheap lor. To us anyways. Super broke nowww. HAHA. We actually bought this on Saturday. Went through a lot of trouble to get it. Cuz we were rushing for time since we have to be at my Uncle's place for dinner at around 7. We were in-charge of the chicken wings. So my brother went to Jurong West to take the chicken wings. And he waited SUPER long there. Then faster rushed back to IMM to see the uMama. By the time he reached IMM, it was almost 7pm. We took sometime to decide whether to get it or not. By the time we decided, momsie was already bombarding our phones and screaming into our ears cuz it was already about 7:15pm. OOPSIE.

Fats kept msging me that she's very irritated cuz Momsie kept scolding and nagging about us to her and she cannot take it. HAHAHA. I replied, "Ask her shuts!", which got fats into a fit of giggles. HEEE.

So yeah, back to today. So we went to take it and Popo was asking what was that. We told her and she said, "It's a waste of money. I don't think we'll be using it that often." Oh man. THAT was discouraging. Let's hope our parents don't feel that way, I thought to myself.

So we walked out of the store and immediately bumped into our parents, 小舅 and 小舅妈. OMG. Bra was like stunned for awhile and don't know how to react. So I said, "Look mommy! We bought this for you and papa. It's gonna be your present for every special occasion for the rest of your lives! We'll rewrap it in the box every year and give it to you! HAHAHHAH!" My parents were a little taken aback that we bought something, but they smiled and said, "Zhen shi de. Waste your money ah." BUT I KNOW THEY WERE HAPPY CMON. HEH.

So we went home first with popo and asked popo to try it on. Unfortunately, it didn't go well with Popo. She simply said she didn't like it after she was done with it. =(((( SAD MAX. She said it's not massaging her shoulders enough. Cuz she prefers the kneading method while the uMama uses the drum-massage method. Sort of like thumping. I like thumping better then kneading actually. Cuz kneading just hurts my bones. HAHAH. I don't have too much flesh on my back and shoulders for them to knead.


Parents came home soon after and we faster ask them to try it. Momsie went first and she said it was not bad and Pops would absolutely love this to bits cuz he liked thumping massages. HAHAH.

So we faster put pops to the test. AND YAY! HE LOVED IT! Now he can always read his papers in the reclining chair while doing massages! SHIOK.

I kinda like it too, I guess I'll do it almost everyday. FUN. HEH. I'm glad my parents liked it. Made me a feel a whole lot of better on splurging on it. =)

Super tired after that and went to take a LOOONG nap. Hahaha. Woke up to beehoon, curry chicken and apple strudel! I love to end my weekends nicely. And today was no exception. (",)

Now I think I'll head to bed. NIGHTS ALL!! =))

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL ONCE AGAIN! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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