Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dogs Gathering...

Today, there were 3 dogs in my house. No no...not my sis, bra and cousin. Literally DOGS. You know? Those little furry things which bark and stuffs? Yes. 3 of them in my house and 1 was not exactly what you'll call a little furry thing. It's not very little. hahaha...

so yea...2 schnauzers and 1 husky. Mine was the xiao mei mei among the 2 da jie jie...hahaha...

No photos taken. Didn't thought of it when they were in my house. hahaha...

It wasn't as chaotic as I imagined. Everyone was kinda obedient. Just sitting silently beside their owners and watching each other with interest/curiousity/hatred. Whatever it is. hahaha...

Unfriendly jumper don't wanna make friends with my pepper!! Poor girl. She tried to make friends and yet got rejected. Emotionally scarred for life already. hahaha...

Passive Shino just don't give 2 hoots about what's going on. hahaha...It's such a HUGE differece from Hyperactive Husky!! hahahah...For once, I don't have a husky's snout right up where it SHOULD'T be. wahahahahah!!! ah buck should know what I mean.

It was all very impromptu. hahaha...but I hope the dogs are happy for getting out of the house. Jinying was so mean la. Said she hated shino. Asked her why.

Jinying : Snatch my bf, snatch his time. I don't like her at all.

eh also got dog one ok. Like that say people. hahahaha...

Oh wells...I hope Pepper learns where to do her business soon!! heh...

Tomorrow is another holiday!! Imma happy girl!!!

watashiwa onanohito HAPPY desu!! I'm a woman happy? Is that how it's supposed to sound like?? hmm...farnie. wahahaha...

PS: I can sing like A-Do very well now!!! wahahahah!!


OuyangWudi: ok la ok la. you damn thoughtful la. don't wanna waste kimtack's money. hahaha...what biased?? Those links are for ting ting only lo. she kpo ma. wahaa...u go create a blog la. den i link u k? =]

Lynden: yea. i don't like to be in the limelight. so heng it's not my bday. hahaha...

HUITING: hahah. damn random lor!! anyhow sia. machiam he ur bff. who poured "treat teachers as your best friend" water in you?? hahaaha...

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