Friday, May 09, 2008

Loving you~~~

While buck and I was waiting for teng and the rest to come fetch us for supper last night, we waited in MacDonalds. There was a basketball court right next to it. Some guys who just finished playing came into MacDonalds. They became attracted to buck and asked for her number.

Of course, buck being my dearie, declined. She's mine can, where got anyhow make friends with guys one?? Haiyo. Those guys don't know better. haha...

So the guy was like...

Guy: em excuse me, can I have your phone number?

Buck: Cannot.

Guy: why cannot? My friend there playing the white colour PSP wants your number.

Buck: Cannot.

Guy: why not? Just make friends only. Can give ma...

Buck: Cannot.

Guy: okay never mind. (forgot whether did he say thank you or not. haha.)

Lucky the guy never say his name is Darryl. Buck would have said "oh. that's cool that's cool. but CANNOT." wahahahah...sorry ah. Inside joke.

So I was telling buck, she should have told them that she's totally not interested in guys.

Then we keep making jokes about it. Saying we're lesbians and all and we kept touching each other while talking. wahahhaa...Nothing strange, we always do that anyways. *shrugs*

So I was telling her about how I like the song "Loving You" by Minnie Riperton. I first came across this song in Meteor Garden. No, not a garden full of meteors. It's the idol drama which shot F4 to stardom. NOW you remember. hahaha...

I don't really like the original version of the song. But recently, I've heard two different versions sang by two different person. And I really liked how it sounded. So I kept telling her how nice it was and all.

So when the guys came to ask for her number, I told her I should have sang loving you to her while holding her hands or something. That would surely shake those guys off.

So I started singing, (the guys were not there of course! and I was NOT holding on to her hands!) Loving you.

The first 2 sentences of Loving You goes like this...exactly the way it sounds...

Ler ving eu
is easy cuz your beautifool

makin ler ve with eu
is all ah wanna doo

So I started singing the first sentence. I still 很深情的唱 lor. hahaha...

ME: Ler ving eu~~ is easy cuz your...

*proceeds to look at buck*

ME: URGH. *shudders*

Then the both of us kept laughing and laughing and laughing like how we laughed when we talked about white chicks. wahahahahah!!!

When teng reached, we went out to the carpark to meet her. As we walked over, I put my hands around buck's neck, letting the whole world know what kind of relationship we have. (GOOD FRENS LA. WHAT YOU THINKING??)

When we're in the car, we told them what happened and how we acted. They said as if people would believe she's my girlfriend even if I put my hands round her neck.

So I told them...

" 欸,我都勾她的脖子了。周杰伦说过, 勾脖子就是正式的女朋友了!"

and we just kept on laughing and laughing non stop. gosh! I laughed so much over this one week. Today also another laughing day. hahaha...don't know why the four of us, (siew, ting, lynden and me) were so high during DBMS lesson that we kept laughing while chatting via MSN messenger.

Irritating lynden kept on sending winks and nudge and what nots. We also practised our japanese language with one another. Loads of fun and laughter. hahaha...

Hope we can laugh all the way till we graduate! muahahahaha...

I'm tired. There's work tomorrow. Lotsa tests next week. URGH. so bloody STREC...hahaha...

PS: sorry sar ah ja ne, damn tired today. I'll reply asap k!! LOVE YA!!!


msXIANG: you every little thing also laugh one lor. ahahaha...

JS: neh mind what. it's not very ugly or what. haaha...monday swensens!! ICE CREAM!!! wahahahha...

sarahjaney: I den spay u ah!! gimme your address!! I wanna send bomb over!!! *chi ba bom!!!*

yiing: yea, I almost teared while reading it. sobs sobs. hahha...I find it really meaningful, that's why I posted it up. will be seeing you on sun!! =]

ben: what do you mean by lost track of my entries?? hahaha...yea. our very own historic flim...harbour front!! wahahah...

OuyangWudi: hah?? next tue got VB test again?? I long time never eat sakae le lor. The last time was like a few months back?? or was it last year?? hahaah...u suck luh johnny.

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