Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Random Musing Day...

Today was the second lesson for bra and me, but first lesson for pepper. So many golden retrievers there! I think like around 5? whole sea of golden fur everytime I look. hahaha...

Lesson was quite interesting. Walk by your left, turn with you and sit when you stop walking. With the leash on of course. Not really perfect yet with pepper. But we'll be hardworking and train everyday! Really can lose weight sia. GOODNESS. hahaha...

Okay, this is SO random. Bet most of you don't know what I'm talking about eh. Doesn't matter. heh.

Another random musing.

I told momsie I'm going out tomorrow. She asked me for what? I actually replied her, "To play."

OMG? hahaha...

Ever since I have the freedom to go out with my friends by myself, I NEVER EVER tell my parents that I'm going out to PLAY or HAVE FUN one know. I will always make up some reasons mostly related to academic stuffs. Like do projects, study together and all sorts of things. hahaha...Never once was the reason, to play. Cuz I always think that once you say you're going out to have fun, they won't let you go already. Yes, I like to think I have sadistic parents who will never let you have a happy childhood. HEH. SHH. It's a secret between you and me.

So I thought a little on why I said it so honestly cuz I usually tell little white lies. I still haven't really got the answer yet. Might be due to the fact that it's my holidays and it means PLAY. Or maybe I know that they trust me and let me do what I want as long as I know what's right and what's wrong. Otherwise it's just because I'm plain stupid and didn't use my brain when I'm answering her question. You think? NAH. Can't be. I'm too smart for this.

What about you guys? Do you tell your parents the truth whenever they ask you where you going and what you gonna do when you are going out? It's interesting to see how different people's mindset are. hahaha...


bam: hahaha...funny meh? lame is more like it. Buay tahan my sister. Lousy actress. hahhahh!

OuyangWudi: keep what that way? hahha...

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