Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Pitstop Cafe

Yesterday had a class outing and went to Pitstop Cafe. Sucks. The promotion didn't stand because it was the EVE of a public holiday. DAMMIT. Go die please.

But nevertheless, we had quite some fun there. At least I did. Don't know much bout the others though. heh.

After that, went to Bukit Timah Shopping Centre to wait for Hallie Chua to knock off from work. Then went opposite, Al-Ameem was it? We ordered while waiting for Eunice and after sometime, she arrived. My fried rice was good! Everyone agrees! HEH.

Post dinner plans-Go Holland V to chill. (Please pronounce it with the 'L' clearly. hahaha...)

Saw CHERYL on the bus! What a very very small world! hahah...Haven't seen her for like the longest time lah.

Walked the whole lane down and decided to settle at Cold Rock. First time there for me. Heard buck talked about it before. heh. The ice cream is DAYLIGHT ROBBERY de lor! Okay, maybe night time robbery. Cuz it was already night when we went there. One little cup costs like $9.50? For siew's choice that is. It tasted okay. hahaha...I like my usual strawberry flavour more though. heh.

This time I saw Chee Heng at Cold Rock. Okay...wassup with me seeing my friends recently? haaha...happened quite a number of times already. But hey...I'm not complaining. hahah...It's good to see your friends whom you haven't met for a very long time. hahah...

After some time, it started to rain. A very sudden downpour which took everyone by shock! Lucky the girls were sitting under the shelter, if not, also have to run from the rain already. hahaa...

The rain totally dampened the mood for most of us. So some wanted to go home. hahah...In the end, siew left first then we discussed some more shit and left too. Took bus to Clementi Interchange then change to 105 with eunice home.

Reached my stop and called fats to come down with an umbrella to fetch me as the stop is opposite my house with no shelter and it's still raining.

*Ring ring*

...The M1 number you just dialled is currently unavailable. Please try again later...

So called the house number instead.

*Ring ring*

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

*ring some more*

*still ringing*

*ring until I want to pinch some fats already!*

Fats: hello....

Me: 做莫酱久!?(why so long!?)

Fats: 我在 orh orh. (I am sleeping. Orh orh means sleep.)

Me: orh 你的大肥猪啦!(Sleep your big fat pig lah!)

The following will be written in english. I very lazy to type in chinese. hahaha...

Fats: what...

Me: You take umbrella down and fetch me from the bus stop. It's raining...

Fats: where are you?

Me: the bus stop opposite our house.

Fats: Don't want lah!

Me: You faster! If not I cannot go home.

Fats: You wait for kor kor to fetch you.

Me: You siao! kor kor just went out only lor.

Fats: You come home yourself.

Me: you come and fetch.

Fats: dont want! I want to sleep!

Me: You fat pig!

Fats: bye bye...

Me: You stinky fats!

Fats: you come home yourself.

Me: You die already!

Fats: bye bye...



wahahaha...I hate fats.

And if you wanna know...

I ran home in the rain with a jacket over my head.



THE cousin: hahaha...I havent seen you online for ages! Wassup with you nowadays? And your blog is ... de lor. hahaha...Yea. Christain the lion was damn touching lahhhh. hahaha...Lose weight? Dont think so ba. hahah...what made you say that?

OuyangWudi: dont care you lah. hahaha...oh kayy. You're quite honest. hahaha...

humph: what lah LYNDEN CRQ?? tee hee hee hee heeee....and remember my very PRIVATE questions? I'm still waiting for your answer knowww. hahaha!

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