Friday, September 12, 2008

Updates! not lose out to Eunice Yeo, I better update something here. muahahah...

So...wassup peeps! I kept on typing pepper when I wanna type peeps. Urgh.

Anyways, have you guys seen this youtube video on Christain the lion? Bra showed it to me. And I just cannot stop the tears rolling down my eyes. It's SOOOOO touching! Okay, obviously you guys are even more NOOB than I am. So I shall give you a little background on Christain the lion.

In 1969, two men from British bought this lion cub from a DEPARTMENT STORE (WTH?) called Harrods. The cub was named Christain by I don't know who. Thus this lion began life with humans and being an urban lion. All was swell when he was just a cub. But when it grew to lion size, Christain's owners decided it was too big for their flat. So with the help of I couldn't be bothered to check who, Christain was relocated to Kenya. Or was it Africa? Kenya is in Africa? I think it was this place called Kora? WHO CARES!? So anyways, Christain began a new life there, forming his own pride. Or in human words, his own family.

A year later, Christain's owners decided to visit him. They were warned before hand that it's been a year and Christain has become the leader of his pride and is like totally wild and all. So it's for their own good to just leave it at that. But no, the owners wanted to see their baby, so they went anywhere.

So...the video I'm talking about here shows the exact moment when Christain saw his previous human family and how he reacted. There are many different versions of the video. But I'm gonna put the one I think will touch you the most. Cuz the song playing is Whitney Houston's "I will always love you". That is like damn heart warming lah!

This one shows the moment when Christain saw them.

This one shows when Christain was a cub and then taken to his new home. The renuion is shown too.

This one shows what happens after the reunion too. heh.

It's all so touching really. Just look at the amount of tissues I used!

SHOCKER! Okay lah...some were for my flu also. And...the green thing you see is so NOT my snot. It's fat's eye mask wrapper which she just fling onto my pile of tissues.

Subsequently, for the more complete story of Christain, you can go here. It's really cute! =]

Okay, photos of Pepper's visit to Husky's humble abode. hahaha...

"Ooh. New best friend huh? GOODY!"

*Sniff* "Smells funky. But good enough to be my new bff!"


*pants* "So tired of this one sided-affair, should just rest." *Snooze*

"Who cares bout that big lump of overly-enthusiastic furball? I've got my own bff right here with me!" *smooch*

"Bff loves me like I love her! She's hugging me to sleep." *sighs contentedly*

*Snoozeeeeeeee* Now everyone go "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~~~~~~~"

Today at work, a mini celebration was held for the september babies. Wenya wasn't in. So left Serene and me to 相依为命 。 muahahahha...The cake was not bad. Fruit cake with lots of different fruits. My favourite was the mango! Sweet and not too soggy. heh. There were leftovers, so I brought it home. Momsie say save it for tomorrow cuz fats will surely eat it one. GLUTTON.

Alright...that's what's been going on lately. If I remember anything else, I'll update again. heh.

PS: Zen is working so fineee...*gushes*

PPS: Pepper knows paw already!

*Holds out food/ball*

"Pepper paw!"

*Paw is held out*

*Hold it and shake it*

"Good girrrrrrrrrrlllllll!!!!"

*Pets her all over*

I've got the sweetest little girl...


shepardjane: wo zhen de bu shu fu. Everyday dou zai working. wo zhen de hen lei. *proceeds to weeps frustrated tears* muahahahah! YOUR FRIEND! *pinch your legs*

HUITING: hahaha. mine smells of the soup lor! mix of the spicy one and the chicken one know! POWER! hahah...what lah. you're worse den mi k. hahah...ur aunt dont like you lah. go visit her lah! hahah...

OuyangWudi: yea, you did alright. hahaha...but it's ok. having fun soon! heh.

fanni: don't be a neh neh kia! I heard claire and bei got ask you but you schooling! We wanted to call you after the sushi was made and haolian to you. but we so nice, so we didn't do it. hahahha! hurt your nnp lah! *smack* hahahhaha!

pretty cousin!!: your name implies that you're the pretty one or am I the pretty one huh? wahahah! pepper knows how to give us her paw when we say "paw.". It's just so cuteee! hahaha...

uhuh: must be lynden. wahahha. of course im a fast learner. hahahha! and thanks for the compliment! =]

tutudumdum: ahah. ya. secret. SHH~tee hee. yea. meet up soon! Remember to call porn. Her nnp very pain already. hahaha...! *smack her nnp some more* muahahha!

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