Sunday, October 26, 2008

On Friday, met Veronica, Teng, Via and Xiang for dinner at Westmall Swensens. The whole meal costs bloody a lot lah! Really shouldn't keep eating such "better" food so much. HAHA. Thanks loads to Teng for the Maltesers. I've been craving for it since that time I went with via to westmall lah! HAHAHA.

I saw Sox!!! It was a bloody surprise. A pleasant one of course. HAHA. And she kissed me on my cheek! Okay, didn't see THAT coming. hahaha...Stupid via told me possible reasons why she did that. LIKE HELLO! She's not YOUR friend. She's mine. And we have DIFFERENT friends okay! hahaha...She's so gonna flip if she sees this. HEE.

After that go arcade. I found it boring and so dragged via to walk around with me, cuz the others are playing Time Crisis. SO OLD SCHOOL LOR! hahah...Was contemplating whether to pierce my ear not. No one wanted to do it with me and I don't dare to do it alone. Scared pain sia. hahaha...Okays, kept on bugging via bout whether to do it or not sia. In the end, gave up the idea. haha...Saw Rachel. She poked me when I was walking around in Watts On. Thought it was Xiang who did it lor, so I turned around planning to smack her and then I saw Rachel. HAHA. Good to see her. Hee.

I don't know how come people looked quite surprised when they see via and me together. As in, don't they know we're from the same secondary school and thus remained very good friends till this very day? hahah...They also like that mah. But still they'll seem shocked. WONDER WHY. hahah...

Xiang kept "blowing" us home after that. Don't know how come nowadays she always want to go home early. Especially when it's like TGIF lah! Don't know what she thinking seh. Must be because of...*AHEM*. HAHAHA...So we let her go home first lor. Veron left soon after. So left teng, via and me. They felt like going bowling. But no socks and don't wish to buy it also. Some more I felt damn sian cuz I have to work the next day. Every friday feel like that. People loved fridays cuz it's TGIF for them. For me, it's more like KNSIS.



Anyways, went to JEC. Decided to explore upstairs and found out that the ice skating rink and Kbox closed down already. Apparently JEC is going through a major revamp. I hope it turns out well lor. If not no point in revamping and cutting our entertainment sia. hahah...

Sat at the second level seats cuz it's so empty with majority of the shops closed down and all. Chatted for a while before we spotted Ong Ah Ni coming up the escalator. She proudly announced that she wanted to shit before scurrying off to the ladies. HAHA. IDIOT.

Then she came out and chatted for awhile before Chee how came and took her away. Far, far away from us. HAHA. All the better! HEE.

We continued to sit there and do nothing. Decided to leave after some time. Reached home and watched 100 days with Mr Arrogant. It was okay. Slept after that. In the middle of the night, pepper decided she wanted to be a bitch. But little does she know that she don't have to TRY to be a bitch, cuz she IS a bitch! HAHA. Okay, very dry.

Anyways...she kept on scratching the door lor. When I ignored her and continued sleeping, she decided to be clever and barked! SO LOUDLY SOME MORE! BTH already. Got up and smacked her hard. She don't seemed to be scared, continued to scratch some more. This continued on for quite some time. As a last resort, I threw her on the bed and let her sleep with me. She seemed contented enough for that. So peaceful sleep after that.

Woke up feeling tired like I always do. That's why I LOATHE working on saturdays. URGH.

Work was as usual. Nothing much happened.

Went to meet Claire after work. Did express manicure. My virgin experience. HEH. Stayed overnight at her house. HAHA. Laughed over mundane stuffs like you know? It's really so stupid and retarded. Woke up for brunch. Said Hi to Alvin. HAHA. He must be very happy. OH WELLS.

And after much thought, I finally got my ear pierced. WAHAHAH! Kept on saying I very scared and the aunty there kept on assuring me it wasn't going to be much pain. heh. After everything was done, Sally (Claire's niece. A very cute and friendly girl.) told me I was so brave. HAHA. SO CUTE LUH.

She's (Claire) mopping the whole house now as I blogged away. How nice. Like having a maid in the house sia. Although it's not MY house. hahaha...Okays den. Think I should stop here.


I miss peppy pu!!



OuyangWudi: haha...okay, how do you plan to rebel? If your plan is good, I might consider joining. HAHA.

Lionel: woohoo your head lah. HAHAHAH.

SIEW: how come you guys this sem super tired? When our classes starts at very reasonable timing lor. That time the 8am classes one everyone always so late sleep de. Guess age caught up huh? HAHAHAHAH!!

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