Monday, November 03, 2008

No updates~

There won't be much updates in awhile, cuz my laptop decided to die out on me. THANKS A BUNCH MAN! Now I'm usually using bra's laptop. But he has his FYP to do, so I can't use it whenever I like.

My fingers are frozen already. Cuz the aircon is blasting right at me! DAMN COLD. So I'm typing this in like SUPERRR SLOOOWWWW SPEEEDDD.

Pepper is sleeping on my bed as though it's HERS. Okay lah, in a way, it is. HAHA. She's so affectionate I tell you. Have you guys watched 10 promises to my dog already? I just watched it on a lonely saturday night after work with only pepper for company. It wasn't as bad as you thought lah, being alone. I like being alone, just not late at night when my imagination will start to run wild. I'm a humji yes I know. But really, I'm proud in being one. HEH.

So as I was saying, I was watching the movie with pepper lying beside me. So when it came to parts where you'll feel like crying, pepper decided to lay her pretty little head on my leg. I don't know why, but she just did it. I've taken a photo of it. But it ain't very clear and I can't upload it now cuz I'm not using my computer anyway. So yea. She laid her head on my leg and it was SOOO comforting to know that she's there. Okay, this was not the main point.

The main point is...

When Socks, the golden retriever, died in the movie, I was sobbing like MAD. For people who have known me for years, I don't cry easily. Even when watching movies, I won't let my tears roll down. Okay, the tears are in my eyes at times, but they won't roll down. I always pride myself as a strong person who know what is reality and what is not. So whatever happens in movies, I know it's not true and this results in not crying. You get me? You do?? OH WOW. Cuz actually...I don't really get myself. HAHAHAH!

So ANYWAYS. I was really sobbing uncontrollably cuz I know how she feels when her dog died. I have a dog myself too you know! So I started to hyperventilate. YES I HYPERVENTILATED. Big shocker! I know. I shocked myself too. This is so embarassing but I'm gonna be strong and admit it. HAHA.

When pepper heard me hyperventilating, she suddenly stood up, looked at me for a second and out of nowhere, jumped right on me and licked my tears away! Okay, maybe she was just licking my face as usual, but I like to think that she was wiping my tears away lor. Like that then will show how affectionate she is mah!

I gently nudged her off me, but she just kept on jumping onto me and kept on licking! Awww. How cute can she get!!? She just kept on doing that until I calmed down and stopped. After I stopped, she quickly snuggled in between my legs and put her head on my legs. She loved resting her head on you. As long as she gets to touch you, she'll do it. SO SWEET CANNNN.

Maybe you might think that she jumped on me is cuz she heard noises coming from me. I initially thought that too. But other times when we made noises, she don't come jumping on us. Sometimes when we call her name, she will heck care if she feels like it. HAHA. BRAT.

I told my bra bout this when he came home. He said that dogs can differentiate between emotions too. So pepper was trying to comfort me while I cried. I've seen in movies about the things dogs can do. Like if you're sad, they'll come and comfort you and all. I always thought dogs in real life can never do that. Cuz movies are too fictional at times.

But after what pepper did, I'm beginning to think that there is a shred of truth to some things shown on TV. Just SOME only ah. haha...

Okay, I think I should get to sleep soon already. Pepper's training tomorrow! Bra will be late. SIAN.


*hugging pepper to sleep*



msXIANG: yea, thanks. I celebrated. HAHA. Ahem is you know you know lor. heh.

Bei: haha...don't worry. You'll get through this without any problems k! Enjoy yourself! =]

SIEW: But this timetable is much better than some other sems right. haha...Only mon and tues longer hours only. haha...

sarahjane: EH! YOU DON'T VULGAR WITH ME AH! hahah...KNS. You then bitch lor! SPAY ZOU AH!

TOM: Oh yea, how come ah? haha...but your link is also under your name sia. heh. think i copied wrong address when editing the template. heh. and nah! Updated for you lah. stop complaining to me! HAHAH.

OuyangWudi: I dunno also. So let's not be rebellious and just accept it the way it is then. Think more about High School Musical 3 also. HAHAAH!

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