Monday, November 10, 2008

Belated Birthday Wishes to FATS, JEROLD and darling PEPPER!

Pepper turned one on 7 Nov 2008! We initially wanted to buy a cake and celebrate with her. You know? Host a party and stuffs? It would be so cool! Inviting Nut and Hus would be fun! HAHA~

Anyways, Bra came home late, so no cake and party for Peps. HEH. But she got presents though! It came in a package in the mail! HAHA. I'm in school now, so photos will not be uploaded at this point of time.

On saturday, our very own xin ye held his 21st birthday party at Hillview Monstronsa. (I think it's spelled like that.) It's a damn difficult place to find I tell you. Kept on climbing mountains. By the time we reached there, BUAY TAHAN ALREADY. Bloody hot!

Anyways, the party was fun. Cuz it's like a gathering for all of us. Although Bbs was a party pooper who went of early just because she wants to watch soccer! LIKE WHAT THE HELL. BBS TILL TODAY! *Points to the floor*

Took a lot of rubbish photos as usual. HAHA. It's all on TOMMY's blog. Just click to see! heh.

Post party activity:

Initially, they suggested prawning. But it was met with some unfavorable response. So they changed it to chiLLing at Halo Bar. The one at Ngee Ann Poly. Good friend Georgie ordered baskets of food. I tried 2 of them, was good. HAHA. So with so many people, we auto split into like 3 or 4 groups to have our own entertainment. heh. My group played bing bong wa. HAHA. Ah po was being so blur. We also played the mutiples of 7 and we kept changing the number. Ah po was being the blur one again. And I know Tom always become damn flustered when playing games like these. I know you too well TOM! MUAHHAH~

Huiying was like drunk? HAHA. Lousy person cannot hold liquor. Heard there was cat fight in the ladies also. LS say to solve this problem, either put a dog or a mouse inside. GEDDIT? You don't do ya? WELL FORGET IT THEN.

Sam fetched us back. Pearlie is lousy in giving directions, even directions to her home also cui one. HAAH. No offense uh. HEE.

So my day ended at around 2am plus. Reached home to kiss pepper. Bathed and slept soon after.

Sunday: Fat's 15th birthday

We had Sakura for brunch. Ate till very full but satisfied. HAHA. Fats has no birthday cake cuz she said she doesn't mind not having one. So we took her word for it. HEH.

After our meal, the kids went to Chevrons for karaoke. Bra was behaving like shit throughout. And Lijun was there to witness it all. WTH. So buay paiseh one lor him.

We ended at 7pm and went home for dinner. Once I reached home, very boring already. So shall not elaborate.

School sucks. BYE~


Fanni: EEE! er xin lor. always use your carrot! poor poor carrot. is your own fault that u cannot eat dinner hor. no lor. tetris like so boring sia. HAHA. I played till level 8 then don't feel like playing already. hahaah. and i got update or not u better sha dap bout it hor! HAHAH. BYE LAH!

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