Sunday, December 28, 2008

Enjoy it while it lasts...

Yesterday was a free saturday for me...since it's almost like a once in a lifetime thing for me to be free on saturdays...of course I would have to spend it meaningfully right?

Thus, I spent the whole day...slacking at home. HAHA. What could possibly be more meaningful than THAT?

Jie meis went shopping at Marina Square and Via and I joined them for dinner at Suntec pepper lunch afterwards.

Darling Tom gave me my xmas gift! SO SWEET. HAHA. You know how much I love you don't you? Don't be like that over-sensitive LAO GAO please. HAHAH! BFFS~~

Joined Bra and Co. at Tanjong Pagar Icon Village. They were all happily enjoying their Sakae Sushi buffet. FAT-NESS for fats. HAHAH. On the car, I told them I was SUPER craving for waffle with ice cream. So I told bra to drive me to buy pancake mix and ice cream. Off we went to the Sheng Shiong near west coast park. Then bra drove to West Coast park to check out the dog run. Have to walk so far sia!

On the way there...Bra piggy-backed Lijun while fats piggy-backed me. HAHA. After that Lijun piggy-backed me and she went very fast!! HAHA. Got the shock of my life. Damn fun.

While piggy-backing me...Lijun would tilt me forward and that is just plain scary and exciting at the same time lah! She says bra always do that to her. HAHA. I hope I didn't break her back. HEH.

After all the fun, we quickly rushed home to see our lonely little baby girl. She hates it when she's all alone at home. HAHA.

Reached home, slacked awhile den Lijun and I started making the pancakes.

After one pancake was done, I suddenly thought of my hello kitty pan lying around in my room collecting dust. So Lijun asked if I wanted to use it. Of course I do! I've been waiting for a chance like this to use it since forever! HAHAHA.

So we started making hello kitty pancakes!

Hard at work. Lazy fats was being a couch potato and watching tv.

OOH. Looks good.

At this point of time, the whole kitchen was already filled with the sweet aroma of the pancakes. So tempting.

and TADAH! There you go! Hello kitty pancakes with some burnt parts. HEH. But it tasted delicious nonetheless. HAHA.

Asked bra to help me take a photo and I totally looked like a sampat in this. With the dishevelled look and hair. HAH.

Forced him to take another one for me.

Still gross. But at least the hair is not falling all over the place. HAHAH.

We ate the pancakes with ice cream. Lijun scooped SUPER A LOT of ice cream for me! HAHA. Damn sinful sia. But it's okay. At least I'm happy and I think the pancakes were quite a success! TEE HEE HEE TEE.

School's starting tomorrow. Nothing could be worse than that right? Oh wait. A presentation on tuesday. THAT is much worse.

When big kitty meets small kitty. HEE.


Lynn: HAHA. You're not? Sorry. 我错怪你了. HAHAH. No problem. =]

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