Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY 2009!

It was an OKAY CNY this year. I really DETEST the fact that we only have 2 pathetic days of holidays. Like...what chew gonna do with only TWO DAYS!!! URGH. Was complaining to everyone willing to listen. So irritating lah this year. Two days only know!! PUI.

Anyways...there were some fun moments nonetheless. I went Bei's house on CHU ER. Her parents are still as funny and cute as ever. HAHA. Very long neh see Bei le. Many hugs and kisses for your pretty xmas presents!! MUACKSSSS. I totally enjoyed the MacDonald breakfast and chit chatting session in your living room. Although it was kinda short-lived, but still FUN! HAHA.

JY came my house after Bei went off to her aunt's house. Momsie haven't seen her for quite some time already. HAHA. Fats was still sleeping like a pig when we came into the room. Woke her up and chased her outta the room. HEH. *evil grin* We started to cam-whore with my pretty bed. HAHA. After awhile, we decided to play with hair and make-up. Or rather...she play with my hair and make-up. HAHA...

Pepper was bloody adorable! So we HAD to take a photo with her. HAHA.

You can't really see the clothes she's wearing here. I meant PEPPER. HAHA.

We went off to our aunt's place for lunch soon after and we fetched JY home too. Fun filled morning on CHU ER. HAHA.

Don't know why...but everyone was DAMN tired and sleepy once we reached our aunt's place. Including me. Okayy...I have a reason. Cuz I woke up early in the morning to go Bei's house and I slept very late the night before. HAHA.

The guys just sprawled all over the floor in my cousin's room. HAHA. WTH. And then they started to lie on one another! The scene was damn GAY! The girls were laughing all the way. Took some photos too! MUAHAH. Show you.

Like chain reaction sia. One started then all the others follow. And as you can see...bra was having a part in all these. FAGGOTS.

Bra is having a jolly good time as you can see. EEW.

Pepper is being strong hugged!! Qiang Bao. MUAHAHAH! See lah. Too pretty is also a crime.

If you think I was damn bo liao to take all these photos....


I was minding my own business online ALL ALONG. Couldn't give a damn as to what the hell those faggots are doing. *shrugs*

The adults don't give a damn bout anything too. Unless it's money. HAHA.

There are still some photos which I don't have it with me. Might post it if when I've recieved them.

Tomorrow IADP presentation already! OMG. DIE LIAO.

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