Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Wedding Game

After our marketing test today, we went to watch The Wedding Game at JP. Since it has recieved not bad reviews, we all decided on that movie. We had our lunch at New York New York. It was my first time eating there. Yes noob whatever. People poor mah. Don't go such places which serve expensive food can! hahah.

Anyways, we all had a damn FILLING lunch. Plus a free cotton candy. HAHA. I was FULL until I had no appetite to eat any dinner. And it was chilli crabs lor! DAMMIT. I just drank a measly bowl of soup and I didn't even eat the meat ball inside. I just ate some veggies and tofu. How much more HEALTHY can I get huh? HAHA. Surprisingly, I didn't hear my stomach grumbling...YET. heh.

So anyways, the movie got us all laughing quite loudly. I know I did. Nice and Siew did too. HAHA. Those two uh, one little "Ah choo." can set them off already. hahaha. The movie was sweet and all. And of course, nothing can go wrong when you've got two good-looking leads right? The plot was okay only but there were really some hilarious parts. HAHA.

I can't wait for their real wedding! They really are a match made in heaven. In terms of looks and wealth anyways. Or maybe Fann is actually MUCH richer, what with all the New Moon bird's nest endorsements and all. WAHAHAH~~~

So yeah, go watch it if you guys have time. It's not a MUST-WATCH though. Many people compared The Wedding Game with Love Matters. Nice watched both already. She said she preferred The Wedding Game. So yah, I don't know. Different people have different opinions. HAHA.

Please remember to buy the tickets at student price if you're a student. You will feel it's more value for money. hahaha.


Lynden: Eh you keep quiet ah. Always don't let people go your house still dare to say people. HAH. SUCKER. No more pancakes for you forever!!!

JS: My old bed is in someone's house. WAHAHAAH.


sarahjane: You SHA DAP. When I say it's a pink drape, IT'S A PINK DRAPE YOU ASSHOLE! Yeah, lotsa irritating mozzies around lately. You're definately one of them.

Fanni: sorry, i dont welcome you. HAHAH. I everyday not free lah. I'm a busy person unlike you shit ass. HAHAHA. DONT YOU DARE COME MY HOUSE UH. I RELEASE DOG BITE YOU! tee hee.

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