Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sex And The City

I just finished watching Sex And The City. The movie, not the series. I have only watched ONE single episode of the series in my whole life. I find it okay...didn't really pay much attention to it though.

Don't know which one is the official movie poster, but this scene was in the movie where Carrie got stood up by Big. Can't see Carrie very clearly here, but her wedding dress was so beautiful!

After watching the movie, it made me want to watch the whole series. Not because of the sex, although I don't know if there will be any in the series, but because of the friendship. I thought their friendship would be very superficial and materialistic because they were all like rich and pretty? Okay, not all, maybe just 3. Cuz personally I don't think Miranda is very attractive (oops) and she's not THAt rich either. HAHA.

Anyways, the friendship I see in the movie is so genuine and sweet and touching at the same time. I love how they always get so excited and scream at the top of their lungs when they see each other. That is something I can never get tired of seeing. haha.

I was especially touched about the part where Carrie got stood up by her groom. The expressions on her friend's faces made me want to tear. They looked as if they can actually feel her pain. And they all went on a holiday with her just to keep her accompany and make her happy. HOW BOUT THAT? Which friend nowadays are willing to do that? Put down all their work and family (that is if they're married and have kids.) and go all the way out just to cheer your best friend up? I don't think it's even possible that anyone would be noble enough to take leave from work just to go on a holiday with a friend when she's feeling down. That's the sweetest thing one can ever do.

But then again, it's a MOVIE. So there will be unrealistic stuff like that.

I don't think you guys will know what I mean unless you see the movie for yourself. HAHA!

And I like Charlotte best! I think she's really beautiful! Although her life is a little TOO perfect. Perfect husband, perfect house ( I think her house damn chio lor. I like Lily's bedroom, SO PRINCESSY. HAHA.) , perfect SKIN (OMG. LOVE HER COMPLEXION.), perfect teeth, perfect daughters (one is an adopted chinese girl and she gave birth to another one in the movie.) and perfect friends. HAHA. TOO PERFECT I TELL YOU.

I love the part...
- when Charlotte screamed at Big
-when she gave birth to Rose
-how samantha reacted upon seeing how much pain her friend was in when she got stood up at the wedding
-how samantha flew all the way to New York from LA just to see her friends
-how Carrie had such a simple but happy wedding with her friends and loved ones.


I'm feeling very happy right now because of the movie. TEE HEE. But I'm sure if the clothes weren't so chio and without all the glitz and glamour, i might not like the movie as much as I do. I mean I would probably still like it, but not as much. HAHA.

OH! And please visit My cousin is selling lovely necklaces and belts. I'm not sure but from what I know, she's selling them cheaper than most shops anywhere else. The belts and necklaces are very unique. Go take a look! =] =] =]


OuyangWudi: pepper is getting better. haha.

JS: yes jsj, time to wake up. HAHAH.

Shuwen: eeee, you also stalk me, still dare to deny. HAHAH!


fanni: YOU NOISY PORN. SHA DAP. HAHA. go buy and spend your money on it lah. Your face is beyond hopeless anyways. HAHAHAH!


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