Saturday, May 09, 2009

Missing Pepper Day 17, 18, 19 and 20...

Hangzhou yesterday. Surprisingly, I enjoyed it more than I expected. HAHA. Many thanks to our lovely Hangzhou tour guide. I find that she talks so sweetly. HAHA. We term her as Wang Gu Niang. In hangzhou language is called Wang Gu Niang-Er. HAHAH. She taught us a few hangzhou terms and we say till damn farnie lah! hahah...

She was damn amused by our excitement for going over slopes. HAHA. As if sitting roller coaster, all kept on whooping when we went pass a slope. She like our friend sia, chat with us when we're at the Tea Place. Anyways, I liked her company for our tour in Hangzhou and I'm sure everyone agrees. HAHA. She sang a song for us. 小城故事. In return we sang 关怀方式 for her. But wah liao eh, turns out like KNS. HAHAH. She totally don't catch what we're singing. HAHAH. Oh wells, as long as our thoughts are felt lah.

Oh. She told us her full name is 王湘雨。I think it's very suitable for her. And she's secretly in love with Mr Leung. WAHAHHA!

We reached Suzhou around 7 plus. Went out for dinner and I totally have NO APPETITE. And I wasted food. DAMMIT. I only waste food in China sia, Singapore totally don't dare. HAHA!

Today went to Shanghai. FINALLY BOUGHT SOMETHING. WAHAHAHAH! We visted Uniqlo. The very "POPULAR" store in singapore. THE ONE AND ONLY STORE in singapore. Actually nothing much one lor. CHEY. But like what KX say, must buy something to 破财消灾。I think it's written like that. HAHA. So have like totally no mood for shopping. Some more weather HOT LIKE CRAP. URGH. Had burger king for dinner. Dammit, cannot finish again!! Kept stuffing into siew hui's and nicey's mouth. HAHA.

Joke of the day during dinner.

Siew in between mouthfuls of burger: Wah liao...*chomp chomp* I feel like your rubbish bin lor! *chomp chomp*

Me: *Stare at her* EH. How long have I been you all the rubbish bin!?

Everyone: *Laughs*

HAHAH. TWO FREAKING YEARS OF HARD WORK. And now they complain when I give them nice things to eat! TSK. Don't know what's good for them. HAHAH!

Took some photos of 东方明珠塔. Damn dumb lor the passer bys. So obvious we taking photos den they just walk past the camera!!! Then we have to like re-take many times. TSK. So irritating. Heng the coach haven't arrived when we met up with the rest. So we are not considered late also lah.


Back to hostel already. BYE. Damn lazy to post up any photos now. Maybe tomorrow k? HAHA...



JSJ: why that face? HAHAH...

msXIANG: wah liao. This kind of thing you also will jealous. They didn't send me off when I flew okay. I also don't have farewell gift to look at when I miss home okay. SO DONT COMPARE!!! HAHA. I'm seeing everyone in less than a week!! YAYYYY~~~

M: I like your ang shu ning what. WAHAHAH. ANG SHU NING!!!!

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