Sunday, May 24, 2009

Via's 19th Celebration~

We went to Mind's Cafe to celebrate VIA's 19th! The same one we went to for my 18th. HAHA. We saw the same guy again, but he wasn't serving us this time. Think his shift was as cashier yesterday. HAHAH. His hair also grew longer. MUAHAHAH!! As if he's my friend sia, say till like that. HAHA.

Anyways, there were 10 of us altogther. The girls plus jesper reached first. So we started playing Snorta. WE LOVEEE THIS GAME. hahah...Cuz it's always damn funny to see the expressions on people's faces when they tried to remember the sounds. HAHAH! I won the game. HOORAY. Our sounds were damn stupid. Totally UNRELATED to the animals we got.

-Chao ah gua
-Neh neh
-Heh heh
-Orh Hor~ *with fingers pointing*
-Wu wu Ha ha

NONSENSE ALL. hahah...

After some time, the rest arrived. We split into 2 tables and played 2 different games. HAHA. So my table was playing all the dumb/stupid/silly games. With all the charades and crap, damn buay tahan. But we all had fun guessing and everything lah. hahah...The other table was more strategic with games like Citadels and Saboteur. I don't know how to spell the games. HEH.

While playing, my stomach was grumbling. Luckily there's food to be served. I ate till quite full. WAHAHAH. Then we continued playing. Until it's nearing to 7, both tables combined and play the Monkey Falling thing. haha...DAMN FUNNY. We all kept trying to sabotage Sam and George. Cuz we all split into teams. But to no avail, they were on a roll. We played two rounds and me and via lost one of them. As forfeit, I had to kiss via on the cheek. The initial forfeit was kiss on the lips lor. CRAP. Heng majority objected to it. HAHAH!

We paid and left Mind's Cafe at 7pm. Proceeded to Central at Clarke Quay. Ate at Manhanttan Fish Market. I shared the Flamming Platter with Po. AND IT WAS SO GOOD. HAH. My first time there sorry. SUAKU CAN.

Gave via her present after dinner. Hope you love it! YOU BETTER. hahah...They joked saying that we can be crumpler's members already lor. Always give crumpler items as birthday presents one. Quite true. I got my first crumpler bag on my 17th birthday. Thanks to them. HAHAH.

After dinner, we all went home. Sam drove LS and She hui home. The rest of us took the train. We were all saying we haven't taken the train home in a LONGGG time. HAHAH! Which is true lor. So...cannot take it for granted. HAHA. Sarah jane says I'm spolit already. I AM NOT OKAY! hahah...

Tomorrow attachment already! OMGGG. I cannot find my IC to photo copy sia. SHIT.


sarahjane: eh sha dap. haha...


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